Kodaline - Moving On (Lirik + Terjemahan Indonesia) Download Free MP3
Buat yang galau atau yang baru denger lagu ini, semoga kalian suka ^_^
I met you on the corner of the street
(Aku bertemu denganmu di sudut jalan)
I smiled before I even heard you speak
(Aku tersenyum bahkan sebelum aku mendengarmu berbicara)
I can accept we're growing older
(Aku bisa menerima kita tumbuh dewasa)
But I guess that's just the way it has to be
(Tapi kurasa itulah yang seharusnya terjadi)
I wondered how you still remembered me
(Aku bertanya-tanya bagaimana kau masih mengingatku)
I heard you settled down and that you married happily
(Kudengar kau menetap dan menikah dengan bahagia)
Oh, do you remembered when I told you that I loved you to the bottom of the sea?
(Oh, apa kau ingat aku pernah mengatakan bahwa aku mencintaimu begitu dalam?)
But I guess that's just the way it has to be
Maybe share a drink and talk a while
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe someday further down the line
And I will meet you there
Sometime in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes, our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along
I'll keep on moving on
I know it's been so long but I did not expect to see oh how beautiful you are
I guess that all that time apart has done you well
But hey, I wish you all the best
And maybe someday we might even meet again
Maybe share a drink and talk a while
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe someday further down the line
And I will meet you there
Sometime in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes, our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on
DOWNLOAD LAGU Kodaline - Moving On
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